Youth Yoga school offers training opportunities for those interested in adding Yoga and Mindfulness to youth in their lives. There are a variety of options available in-person and online. Make sure you sign up for our Newsletter to stay up-to-date on the options available.
Have you ever done yoga or taken a yoga class?
If you have, you KNOW the benefits yoga brings both internally in your emotional experience and your clear thinking, and externally with a relaxed and strong body.
All of those benefits that adults enjoy are also available for children.
Think of what a gift it is to youth to discover in themselves the capacity to calm down, to feel good about themselves, to be able to concentrate. Many times we have heard adult yoga students say, "I wish I had found yoga sooner!" You can help to give the gifts of yoga to children where you live, and to children whom you love.
- What are some of the best resources in books, music, web-sites?
- How can we adapt basic classes to such a wide variety of ages of children in a developmentally appropriate way?
- How can we include fun child-centered crafts and activities but still stay true to the experience of yoga?
- How can we best interact with schools, and parents, and teachers so the children have the best results?
Thus, the Youth Yoga School was born!
This training program is specifically designed to answer the questions above. It was created from the love, compassion and respect we have for educators who are passionate about sharing yoga with our youth. We wanted to prepare these people with our knowledge, and arm them with tested and current information. Teachers who attend the Youth Yoga School are prepared to go out into the world sharing their love of yoga, and teaching the young leaders of tomorrow.
The Youth Yoga School is designed to accommodate your needs for knowledge and credentials in whatever format suits you best. The options are Registered Children's Yoga Teacher (RCYT), Yoga Alliance Continuing Education Units, Child-Focused Professional Certification, and Yoga for the Classroom.
The Good of Children is at the heart of everything we do at Youth Yoga School. Join us, and Aspire to Inspire!
Carrie Rice - Owner of Youth Yoga School, Sift Yoga, E-RYT, RCYT, licenced Indiana Teacher, wife and mother of 3. Carrie loves pretty much everything about teaching yoga to our youth. The magic in each youth yoga class just keeps bringing her back. She is a natural born teacher who loves to share her gifts with other like minded souls. She can’t wait to meet you and help you come into your own light as a Youth Yoga School Certified Children’s Yoga Teacher.
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